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I got an error on symfony/console -- "Option does not exits". How can I allow any options even without setting it out?

Is it possible in symfony/console to allow all options or argument even if it didn't set on config?

You see, based from the following example. It has ->addArgument() and ->addOption(), it sets name and yell param and option respectively.

class GreetCommand extends Command

    protected function configure()
            ->setDescription('Greet someone')
                'Who do you want to greet?'
               'If set, the task will yell in uppercase letters'

    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        $name = $input->getArgument('name');
        if ($name) {
            $text = 'Hello '.$name;
        } else {
            $text = 'Hello';

        if ($input->getOption('yell')) {
            $text = strtoupper($text);


Is it possible to run the following command without setting arguments and options?

$ php application.php demo:greet Fabien John Doe --yell --greet --poke


  • Well, without refactoring base Command class you can't, and for good reason - all options should be validated by system and accepted. For remote CRON task, for example.

    However, you can make it like this:

        'Enter parameters'

    This way you can treat single parameter as an array, and take validation responsibility on your own, by accessing it:

    if ($names = $input->getOption('parameters')) {
        $text .= ' '.implode(', ', $parameters);

    More info here.
