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Trigger an action for just rsynced files

I rsync static HTML files to our webserver with this line:

rsync -rlpcgoDvz --delete _site/* [email protected]:/var/www/x/public/

To warm up the webserver's cache I'd like to fetch the synced files right after I rsynced them. With wget or curl.

Is there a way to tell rsync or the bash shell to do that?


  • You can do that in several ways, I suppose. One I came up with:

    Step 1: Add --log-file option to rsync, so you get the log of actions taken in the end. For instance:

    rsync -rlpcgoDvz --log-file=log --delete _site/* [email protected]:/var/www/x/public/

    This log would look like that, for instance (log for transferring 4 files, named "file1", "file2", "file3", "file4"):

    2015/02/13 12:52:11 [54686] receiving file list
    2015/02/13 12:52:11 [54686] >f+++++++ file1
    2015/02/13 12:52:11 [54686] >f+++++++ file2
    2015/02/13 12:52:11 [54686] >f+++++++ file3
    2015/02/13 12:52:11 [54686] >f+++++++ file4

    We're interested in the >f+++++++ field, and the next one which is the name of the file. See this answer for a short explanation of what to expect here.

    Step 2:

    After transfer is complete, pick up the file names and call wget on each:

    cat log | grep ">f++++++" | cut -d \  -f 5 | while read -r filename; do wget "$filename"; done

    Breaking it piece by piece:

    cat log | \              # Pipe the file     
    grep ">f++++++" | \      # Take only interesting lines.
                             # Here - only files which were not present 
                             # on the other end.
    cut -d \  -f 5 | \       # Take the file name.
    while read -r filename; do wget "$filename"; done

    You might need to adjust some file paths, etc. to fit your use case.