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what is dead code ?

Here is my code, Eclipse is saying i++ is dead code... why??

for(int i=0;i<packages.size();i++)
            PInfo pinfo = new PInfo();
            pinfo = packages.get(i);


  • Because of the ; here:

    // ----------------------------------------^

    The ; gives the if an empty body, and so the block following it isn't connected to the if, and so your break; always happens and the i++ in the for is never reached.

    You don't normally put ; after control statements like for, while, if and such (there are some edge cases where all the logic is in the structure, but usually you need a body block or statement attached to them).

    Unrelated, but there's no reason for the new PInfo() here:

    PInfo pinfo = new PInfo();
    //         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-- Unnecessary, since you're about to assign
    pinfo = packages.get(i);