Search code examples

Youtube API - How to limit results for pagination?

I want to grab a user's uploads (ie: BBC) and limit the output to 10 per page.

Whilst I can use the following URL:

The above works okay.

I want to use the query method instead:

The Zend Framework docs:

State that I can retrieve videos uploaded by a user, but ideally I want to use the query method to limit the results for a pagination.

The query method is on the Zend framework docs (same page as before under the title 'Searching for videos by metadata') and is similar to this:

$yt = new Zend_Gdata_YouTube();
$query = $yt->newVideoQuery();
$videoFeed = $yt->getUserUploads( NULL, $query );

print '<ol>'; foreach($videoFeed as $video): print '<li>' . $video->title . '</li>'; endforeach; print '</ol>';

The problem is I can't do $query->setUser('bbc').

I tried setAuthor but this returns a totally different result.

Ideally, I want to use the query method to grab the results in a paginated fashion.

How do I use the $query method to set my limits for pagination?



  • I basically solved this in the same way as worchyld with a slight twist:

        $username = 'ignite';
        $limit = 30;  // Youtube will throw an exception if > 50
        $offset = 1;  // First video is 1 (silly non-programmers!)
        $videoFeed = null;
        $uploadCount = 0;
        try {
            $yt = new Zend_Gdata_YouTube();
            $userProfile = $yt->getUserProfile($username);
            $uploadCount = $userProfile->getFeedLink('')->countHint;
            // The following code is a dirty hack to get pagination with the YouTube API without always starting from the first result
            // The following code snippet was copied from Zend_Gdata_YouTube->getUserUploads();
            $url = Zend_Gdata_YouTube::USER_URI .'/'. $username .'/'. Zend_Gdata_YouTube::UPLOADS_URI_SUFFIX;
            $location = new Zend_Gdata_YouTube_VideoQuery($url);
            $videoFeed = $yt->getVideoFeed($location);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            // Exception handling goes here!

    The Zend YouTube API seems silly as the included getUserUploads method never returns the VideoQuery instance before it actually fetches the feed, and while you can pass a location object as a second parameter, it's an "either-or" situation - it'll only use the username parameter to construct a basic uri or only use the location, where you have to construct the whole thing yourself (as above).