I have a Lotus Domino server with a truly astounding number of Domino databases on it, arranged in various folders.
Is there some means of exporting a list of all these databases, with their titles and creators' names, in a spreadsheet format of some kind? I have the Domino Admin and Domino Designer software, and I have or can get whatever access rights I'd need.
You'd think there'd be a way in the Domino Admin, but there's no way to export the list. So, your best bet I think is to use the Domain Catalog database. To build it, go into the server configuration doc > Server Tasks > and turn on the Domain Catalog. Then the catalog.nsf database will be built and will contain all the databases in your domain. You can customize the views to include the information you need.
Then finally, you can go into a view, select all the documents and click Edit > Copy Selected As Table. Then paste that into a spreadsheet.