I would like to use a list of old and the corresponding new names in a CSV file(source of CSV is a Excel sheet), in order to rename files. Obviously replace the old name with the new name specified for each case.
For Example:
Find what Replace With
C:\Users\Documents\Pump Station.doc C:\Users\Documents\Awesome Pump Station.doc
C:\Users\Documents\Pump Selection.doc C:\Users\Documents\Great Pump Selection.doc
C:\Users\Documents\Pump Sizing Calc.xlsx C:\Users\Documents\Hectic Pump Sizing Calc.xlsx
I am very new to coding and I am having trouble finishing this off. This is what I have so far. I do not necessarily need to even put the list user interface (which it currently does). Ultimately I would like to loop through the rows in my CSV file, check if the old name specified exists and if so, rename it to the new name specified.
I really appreciate any help in advance and sorry for any rookie errors I may have made in my code below.
public class OldNew
public string oldFile { get; set; }
public string newFile { get; set; }
public static class OldNewService
public static new List<OldNew>ReadFile(string filepath)
var lines = File.ReadAllLines(filepath);
var data = from l in lines.Skip(1)
let split = l.Split(',')
select new OldNew
oldFile = split[0],
newFile = split[1],
return data.ToList();
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
DataContext = OldNewService.ReadFile(@"C:\Users\cch\Documents\Batch Edit\Lookup Table.csv");
In my opinion, a better solution would be to use a plain old foreach and not a call to ToList().ForEach()
var lines = File.ReadAllLines(filepath);
var data = from l in lines.Skip(1)
let split = l.Split(',')
select new OldNew
oldFile = split[0],
newFile = split[1],
foreach(var f in data)
if (File.Exists(f.oldFile)
File.Move(f.oldFile, f.newFile);
See: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ericlippert/archive/2009/05/18/foreach-vs-foreach.aspx for an explanation.