On view.phtml, i am trying to get the custom block "console" to display if the value of the attribute platform is either "xbox", "playstation" or "nintendo".
I got the code working for xbox, but how can i solve it so that the block is displayed it the value instead is playstation or nintendo?
Br, Tobias
<?php if ($_product->getAttributeText('platform') == "xbox"): ?>
<?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('cms/block')->setBlockId('console')->toHtml() ?><?php endif; ?>
Do you mean you want the same block for any of the consoles? I suggest a switch statement
Replace the if statement you wrote with this:
case "xbox" :
case "nintendo" :
case "playstation" :
echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('cms/block')->setBlockId('console')->toHtml();
default :
//here you can put a default other block or show nothing or whatever you want to do if the product is not a console
Now you can add more consoles by adding more case "other console" :
There are other ways. You could create an array of all consoles from the attribute values and then use inArray(); - that might be better for the general case if your client adds more consoles to the attribute via the Magento admin.
**EDITED ** following the comment below
If the attribute 'platform' is multiselect then $_product->getAttributeText('platform')
will be string if one item is selected but if there are multiple items selected it will be an array. So you need to handle a single variable that can be string or array. Here we will convert string to array and use PHP's handy array_intersect() function.
I suggest:
$platformSelection = $_product->getAttributeText('platform');
if (is_string($platformSelection))
//make it an array
$platformSelection = array($platformSelection); //type casting of a sort
//$platformSelection is now an array so:
//somehow know what the names of the consoles are:
$consoles = array('xbox','nintendo','playstation');
//then there are no consoles selected
//here you can put a default other block or show nothing or whatever you want to do if the product is not a console
//there are consoles selected
echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('cms/block')->setBlockId('console')->toHtml();
Note that the array_intersect() function compares the array elements strictly that is ===
so it is case sensitive and the function returns an empty array array()
if there is no intersection.