I am aware that the Instagram API was down a few hours ago, but it seems to be back up now. The problem is, when we post data to Instagram saying to like a specific photo, we get this error:
{"meta":{"error_type":"APINotAllowedError","code":400,"error_message":"you cannot like this media"}} We have gotten this error before, but we don't understand why we are getting it. Keep in mind, we logged into an alternate account which means that account hasn't even liked the media yet.
If it helps at all to know, we are running the like command by requesting the url https://api.instagram.com/v1/media/{media-id}/likes with {media-id} being replaced by the image id, and we are including the user's access token in the body of the http request. This is obviously a post request
There is no Instagram documentation on why we would get this message. Does anyone have a solution?
I've run into the same thing and I found that there were three cases where I received this error: