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Wait until task is completed on Remote Machine through Python

I am writing a program in python on Ubuntu. In that program I am trying to print a message after completing a task "Delete a File" on Remote machine (RaspberryPi), connected to network.

But In actual practice, print command is not waiting till completion of task on remote machine.

Can anybody guide me on how do I do that? My Coding is given below

import paramiko

# Connection with remote machine
client = paramiko.SSHClient()
client.connect('', username='pi', password='raspberry')

filename   = 'fahad.txt'
filedelete ='rm ' + filename
stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command(filedelete)
print ("File Deleted")


  • This is indeed a duplicate of paramiko SSH exec_command(shell script) returns before completion, but the answer there is not terribly detailed. So...

    As you noticed, exec_command is a non-blocking call. So you have to wait for completion of the remote command by using either:

    • Channel.exit_status_ready if you want a non-blocking check of the command completion (i.e.: pooling)
    • Channel.recv_exit_status if you want to block until the command completion (and get back the exit status — an exit status of 0 means normal completion).

    In your particular case, you need the later:

    stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command(filedelete)  # Non-blocking call
    exit_status =          # Blocking call
    if exit_status == 0:
        print ("File Deleted")
        print("Error", exit_status)