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input text value is not being set on internet explorer (jsf)

I have a form with a single field in it:

<div class="base-label-input">
    <div class="label-align dark-label">
        <h:outputLabel value="#{msg.negociacao_cadastro_cliente_cadastrar_insc_estadual}"
            for="inscr_estadual" /><span class="estilo-asterisco estilo-asterisco-add"><h:outputText
                value="#{msg.campoSimbolo}" /></span>
    <div class="input-align">
        <h:inputText id="inscrEstadual" tabindex="1"
            required="false" maxlength="19"
            size="50" label="Inscr_Estadual">
<div class="base-label-input">
    <a4j:commandButton styleClass="button"
        value="#{msg.inserir}" type="submit"
        eventsQueue="eqCadastroUsuario" tabindex="2"
        reRender="grdInscricaoEstadual, inscrEstadual">

When i hit the button using chrome, the value is set in the object. But when i do the same with internet explorer, the value is not being set. Any ideas?

(The form is quite i put the inputtext and the button)


  • Regarding Richfaces 4.x Technical Requirements the minimum JSF implementation required is 2.x (2.1.28 or higher for javax.faces.jar and 2.1.10 or higher for myfaces-impl.jar), as you said that you are using JSF 1.2 I will assume that your Richfaces's version is 3.x.x.

    RichFaces 3 is only supported in Internet Explorer 8 or less, if you want to use IE 11 you need to set the meta tag which enables you to control the document compatibility's mode:

    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE8" />