Search code examples

A multiple conditioned count

I have a list of references in a database. If the reference exists in a month then it is rated either a 1 or a 99. If the reference does not exist then it gets a rating of 0. Each 3 months forms a quarter. In the rich client I am able to create the following cross-table:

    | Q1    Q1    Q1  |  Q2    Q2    Q2
Ref | M1    M2    M3  |  M4    M5    M6
  a | 99    99    99  |  99    01    99
  b | 00    01    99  |  99    01    00
  c | 99    00    00  |  00    00    00
  d | 99    01    01  |  01    01    99
  e | 00    00    01  |  01    99    01
  f | 01    01    01  |  99    99    99
  g | 01    01    01  |  00    00    00
  h | 99    01    00  |  00    00    00
  i | 00    00    01  |  01    99    01
  j | 00    00    00  |  00    01    99
  k | 00    00    00  |  01    01    01

What I want to do is for each quarter, count the total references that existed at some point in that quarter and also have a count of any reference that ended with a rating of 99. Now by ended I mean the last rating that was given in the quarter.

E.g. Ref a for Q1 existed and would also count for 99. Ref h for Q1 also existed and its final rating would be considered a 1. Ref j would not be counted at all in Q1.

The full outcome would be:

Ref | Last Q1 | Last Q2
  a |   99    |    99
  b |   99    |    01
  c |   99    |    00
  d |   01    |    99
  e |   01    |    01
  f |   01    |    99
  g |   01    |    00
  h |   01    |    00
  i |   01    |    01
  j |   00    |    99
  k |   00    |    01

Which gives me a final count of:

Q          | Q1 | Q2
99 Count   | 3  | 4
Full Count | 9  | 8

What business objects code can jump straight to the count table?

I think the key is getting a bit of code to calculate the 'final rating' per customer per quarter, however I've had no luck doing that. I haven't found a way of using multiple 'where' clauses in one formula.


  • You'll need to use multiple variables to accomplish this.

    Assuming you're starting out with objects named:

          | [Qtr]
          | [Mth]
    [Ref] | [Val]

    1) Create a variable to hold the max month per quarter with a non-zero value:
    MaxM = Max([Mth]) In ([Ref];[Qtr]) Where ([Val] <>"00")

    Put this into the body of the crosstab to validate the result:

        Q1  Q2
    a   M3  M6
    b   M3  M5
    c   M1  
    d   M3  M6
    e   M3  M6
    f   M3  M6
    g   M3  
    h   M2  
    i   M3  M6
    j       M6
    k       M6

    2) Create another variable to count the number of 99s where the month is equal to the last month in the quarter with a value:
    LastIs99Cnt = If (Max([Val]) Where ( [Mth] = [MaxM])) = "99" Then 1 Else 0

    Replace [MaxM] in the crosstab with this variable so we can validate:

        Q1  Q2
    a   1   1
    b   1   0
    c   1   0
    d   0   1
    e   0   0
    f   0   1
    g   0   0
    h   0   0
    i   0   0
    j   0   1
    k   0   0

    3) Remove [Ref] from the report body and aggregate [LastIs99Cnt] with:
    =Sum([LastIs99Cnt] ForEach ([Ref])) Also add a simple Count/Where to get the non-99 values:
    =Count([Ref] Where ([Val] <> "00"))

    The block will look like this:

             | [Qtr]
    99 Cnt   | =Sum([LastIs99Cnt] ForEach (Ref))
    Full Cnt | =Count(Ref] Where (Val] <> "00"))

    And produce the desired result:

             Q1   Q2
    99 Cnt    3    4
    Full Cnt  9    8