I am creating a debian package for a play 2.3.8 application.
I use the following settings:
val settings = Seq(
debianPackageDependencies in Debian := "openjdk-7-jre (>= 1.7.0)" :: Nil,
maintainer in Linux := "team <support@dns.io>",
packageSummary in Linux := "app",
packageDescription := "description",
serverLoading in Debian := ServerLoader.SystemV,
linuxPackageMappings in Debian := linuxPackageMappings.value.map { p ⇒
val newMappings = p.mappings.filterNot { f ⇒
f._2.endsWith("conf//messages") ||
p.copy(mappings = newMappings)
daemonUser in Linux := (normalizedName in Debian).value
But no /etc/init.d/ script is generated.
If I remove the transformation of linuxPackageMappings
then a init.d script is generated.
Instead of using linuxPackageMappings in Debian := linuxPackageMappings.value...
, I used linuxPackageMappings := linuxPackageMappings.value
And now it is working.