Could you please recommend a plugin for Wordpress or maybe a tiny standalone PHP script that allows the user to add some items with text info and a photo to a database, XML or just a text file from a special admin page? I need to fetch these items from the source and show in the page some way. To understand the task better, please check this page. There is a main area that shows items but now it's just dummy HTML to see how it should look in the end.
Thank you!
WordPress 3.0 will support custom post types. You could create a post type of "Product" with custom fields (price, availability, etc.), and create a theme that displays products in an intelligent way. WP3 is currently in Beta 2, but it's a reasonably safe bet that 3.0 will be finished before you're done implementing and testing.
Hope this helps.
Update: WordPress 3.0 was released on 17 June 2010.