Can you help me is there definition in C++ standard that describes which one will be called constructor or assignment operator in this case:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class CTest
CTest() : m_nTest(0)
cout << "Default constructor" << endl;
CTest(int a) : m_nTest(a)
cout << "Int constructor" << endl;
CTest(const CTest& obj)
m_nTest = obj.m_nTest;
cout << "Copy constructor" << endl;
CTest& operator=(int rhs)
m_nTest = rhs;
cout << "Assignment" << endl;
return *this;
int m_nTest;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
CTest b = 5;
return 0;
Or is it just a matter of compiler optimization?
What is happening here depends a bit on your compiler. It could create a temporary object using the int constructor and then copy construct b from that temporary. It will most likely elide the copy constructor call however. In neither case will the assignment operator be used.