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Pharo - Image with Seaside in it is stuck, can't click on anything in the UI?

Pharo - Image with Seaside in it is stuck, can't click on anything in the UI?

The app is fine, I can access it through the web interface. What can I do?

It's an old Pharo 1.3 Seaside 3.0.7 developer image from here:

Later edit: looking at http://localhost:8080/status

Printscreen of the localhost status

Later edit: Terminated both of them. After I terminated 13133... and 100348...


  • Try alt+. (Linux) or cmd+. (OS X). That should trigger a user interrupt and open a debugger (you'll possibly need to hit the key combo a few times in row).

    The older Seaside version also used to have a facility to suspend and resume the UI process through the web interface exposed via /seaside/config. Not sure if that is still available.