I am trying to parse a XML file with Python 2.7
Here is the XML file I am using:
<NS:Area fid='120410'>
<NS2:Polygon srsName='NS2:BNG'>
<NS2:coordinates>383415.110,400491.900 383411.090,400485.570 383415.500,400482.770 383420.430,400490.530 383418.780,400491.580 383417.930,400490.240 383415.160,400491.980 383415.110,400491.900
I am only interested at the ID
, Group
, make
and coordinates
part in the XML file.
And the code I use is:
import xml.sax
class MyHandler(xml.sax.ContentHandler):
def __init__(self):
self.__CurrentData = ""
self.__ID = ""
self.__Group = ""
self.__make = ""
self.__coordinates = []
self.__coordString = ""
def startElement(self, tag, attributes):
self.__CurrentData = tag
if tag == "NS:Area":
self.__ID = attributes["fid"]
print "ID: ", self.__ID
def endElement(self, tag):
if self.__CurrentData == "NS:Group":
print "Group: ", self.__Group
elif self.__CurrentData == "NS:make":
print "Make: ", self.__make
elif self.__CurrentData == "NS2:coordinates":
print "coordinates: ", self.__coordString
self.__CurrentData = ""
def characters(self, content):
if self.__CurrentData == "NS:Area":
self.__ID = content
elif self.__CurrentData == "NS:Group":
self.__Group = content
elif self.__CurrentData == "NS:make":
self.__make = content
elif self.__CurrentData == "NS2:coordinates":
self.__coordString = content
I expected to see the out put as follows:
ID: 120410
Group: Building
Make: Manmade
coordinates: 383415.110,400491.900 383411.090,400485.570 383415.500,400482.770 383420.430,400490.530 383418.780,400491.580 383417.930,400490.240 383415.160,400491.980 383415.110,400491.900
However, what I've got is:
ID: 120410
Group: Building
Make: Manmade
where the coordinates are missing and being replaced by a log of spaces.
May I know what is wrong with my code?
Many thanks.
Thanks for your help.
I just figured out what is going on, and it is simply because of the mis-alignment of the data file. It turns out that the </NS2:coordinates>
should be right next to the end of the coordinates, rather than in a new row.
Hope this can help other people who has the same problem.