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ObjectDataSource in c# Code Behind?

Is it possible to read the data provided by an ObjectDataSource created in code behind? Take the following for instance:

ObjectDataSource myObjectDataSource= new ObjectDataSource();
myObjectDataSource.SelectParameters.Add(new SessionParameter("createdDate", TypeCode.String, "FilterCreated"));

How could you then get the rows from this? For example in a Dataset you would do something like:

foreach (DataRow dr in myDataset.Tables[0].Rows) {
     string abc = dr["myColumn"];


  • you can try like this , convert objectdatasource to dataset and than read that

    private DataSet ConvertObjectSourceToDataSet(ObjectDataSource ods)
       var ds = new DataSet();
       var dv = (DataView)ods.Select();
       if (dv != null && dv.Count > 0)
         var dt = dv.ToTable();
      return ds;

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