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Multiple ul with single array in ember handlebars template

Lets say I've an array with 6 items and I want print them 3 per list


//arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6];
<div class="first">

<div class="second">

How can I accomplish that with ember/handlebars? Thanks


  • I ended doing this:

    in template.hbs

    {{#each set in arraySets}}
      <div class="col-sm-6">
        <ul class="list-unstyled">
          {{#each item in set }}

    in the related controller

    import Ember from "ember";
    import Collection from "../../utils/collection";
    export default Ember.ObjectController.extend({
        // ....
        arraySets: function() {
            var infos = this.get('model.infos');
            return Collection.create({ content: infos }).divide();

    and who does the hard work is the utils/collection.js

    import Ember from "ember";
    var Collection = Ember.ArrayProxy.extend({
        divide: function (size = 2) {
            var array = this.get('content');
            var length = array.length;
            var limit = Math.ceil(length / size);
            var sets = Ember.A([]);
            for (var i = 0; i < Math.min(size, length); i++) {
                sets.pushObject(array.slice(i * limit, (i + 1) * limit));
            return Collection.create({content: sets});
    export default Collection;

    I hope that this could help someone else!