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What is the complexity of function f(n) with n=f(n).log(f(n))

What is the complexity of function f(n),preferably the Big-O notation, and f(n) satisfies the condition n = f(n).log(f(n)) ,f(n) > 1 .Let assume that log in base 2.

I tried to isolate f(n) from the condition but could not get it done. After using excel to get the graph of function f(n). It seems that f(n) = O(n^2) but I cant figure out how to get it out?


  • Comments are getting long, so here's a sketch of a proof for you. This is probably homework, so please make sure you learn something instead of just copying it down.

    In order to show that f is O(n), you have to show that there is an M and n1 where f(n) < M|n| for all n > n1.

    We know that n = f(n) log(f(n)), so M |n| = M |f(n)| |log(f(n))|.

    So what we are trying to find is an M and n1 for which

      f(n) < M |n| = M |f(n)| |log(f(n))|

    for n > n1.

    n, f, and log f are all positive, so we can drop the |.| to get

      f(n) < M f(n) log(f(n)) = M |n|

    Our goal is to find an M and n1 for which

      f(n) < M f(n) log(f(n)) = M |n|

    is true for all n > n1. Pick M = 1, n1 = 10, then

      f(n) < f(n) log(f(10)) <= f(n) log(f(n)) = |n|  (where M is now set to 1)

    for n > n1. f(n) log(f(10)) <= f(n) log(f(n)) is true because log(f(n)) is monotonic for n>n1 (homework exercise: show that this is true). f(n) < f(n) log(f(10)) is trivially true because log(f(10)) > 1.

    This shows, then, that f(n) is O(n).