I have a simple app running on ios simulator which will (at some point in the app), prompt the user to authorize the following:
Because I am doing automation testing on the iOS simulator (several thousand on virtual machines), is there a way to force iOS simulator to have these permissions already set to yes when the app is installed?
I vaguely remember there was a way to manipulate this using a plist file associated with iOS simulator, but I'm not 100% sure if "its all in my head". I'm not finding much on google.
Based on the comment by Felipe Sabino above I worked out the following. The permissions file of iOS for Xcode 6 is stored at location: ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/<device>/data/Library/TCC/TCC.db
. So we modify the db file using sqlite3 on the console.
Used the following Perl script from terminal. This could be done in any language really.
$folderLocations = `xcrun simctl list`; // running "xcrun simctl list" on terminal returns iOS device locations
$currentUserID = `id -un`; // get current user
chomp($currentUserID); // remove extra white space from user string
print "currentUserID: $currentUserID"; // debug logs
while($folderLocations =~ /iPad Air \((.{8}-.*?)\)/g) { // Use regex to loop through each iPad Air device found in $folderLocations. Insert the permissions in the database of each.
print "folderLocations <1>: $1\n"; // debug logs
`sqlite3 /Users/$currentUserID/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/$1/data/Library/TCC/TCC.db "insert into access values('kTCCServiceAddressBook','com.apple.store.MyApp', 0, 1, 0, 0)"`;
print "\n"; // neat logs
This one overrides kTCCServiceAddressBook
permission, but there is also kTCCServiceCalendar
and kTCCServicePhotos