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Omniauth Facebook Devise fails production Heroku but works in development

I developed this app on (using a heroku postgresql DB). Omniauth works correctly when tested on that platform. When I try on production Heroku, I get a "The parameter app_id is required" error from facebook.

inside devise.rb

config.omniauth :facebook, ENV["FB_APP_ID"], ENV["FB_APP_SECRET"]

My facebook developer site url's and callbacks are up to date. ENV variables are by Figaro, and again, it works fine when run through



    Did you try the following???


    Heroku already makes setting application configuration easy:

    $ heroku config:set google_analytics_key=UA-35722661-5

    Using the figaro command, you can set values from your configuration file all at once:

    $ figaro heroku:set -e production

    For more information:

    $ figaro help heroku:set