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How to push two view controllers but animate transition only for the second one?

I have three controllers (FirstVC, SecondVC, ThirdVC) inside storyboad, and navigation is sequential: a user can navigate from FirstVC to SecondVC, and then to ThirdVC. Now, I need to make some button that will open ThirdVC from FirstVC but will also put SecondVC on navigation stack, so when a user will press back from ThirdVC he will be returned to SecondVC. So, I don’t need animation from FirstVC to SecondVC, just need to push SecondVC on navigation controller stack and then animate only transition to ThirdVC.

I was unable to find how disable animation for performSegueWithIdentifier, so I’m thinking I should instantiate SecondVC from storyboard manually, put it on navigation stack, and then perform performSegueWithIdentifier for ThirdVC. Any ideas how to do that?


  • The solution you're looking for if you're in the firstVC:

    NSMutableArray *controllers = [self.navigationController.viewControllers mutableCopy];
    [controllers addObject:secondVc];
    [controllers addObject:thirdVC];
    [self.navigationController setViewControllers:controllers animated:YES];

    This will animate in the thirdVC without the secondVc becoming visible in the process. When the user press the back button, they will return to the secondVc