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Combinational Circuit Double Check

I've done the question completely but I was expecting it to be harder or at least more complicated than this, which is why it's sort of scaring me into thinking I might have missed something that made it very simple - as in x is always 0 and R5 is always 1 and there is only 1 output that results in a y of 1

If anyone doesn't mind going over my equations in comparison to the circuit on the left of the screenshot I would really appreciate it. Thanks

The simplest way I can ask one of my questions without using a picture to clarify my result is - how would you use De Morgan's law to change (~A & D) & (~D + (B&C)) into a sum of products.


  • I've reviewed your equations and they are correct. On the other side, you can simplify your result as follows:

    (~A & D) & (~D + (B & C)) = (~A & D & ~D) + (~A & D & B & C)
                              = ~A & B & C & D