i have a problem when start node with forever in docker container, if i launch manually works, instead the same command in Dockerfile, when build and start the container, exited. The command works in bash:
docker run -it container_name bash forever start -c 'node --harmony' /my/path/app.js
I tried to put command in Dockerfile but the container don't start
CMD forever start -c 'node --harmony' /my/path/app.js
Forever start script.js
runs in the background. To run forever
in the foreground, try forever script.js
This starts forever in the foreground, which is what Docker needs. Remember a container is "alive" only as long as the process defined in CMD is up and running. Since forever starts as a daemon, the command itself exits and docker will exit also.
CMD forever -c 'node --harmony' /my/path/app.js