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How do I discover if my delphi application currently has a modal window?

I've got a timer running in my Delphi MDI application and I'd like to use it to pop up a message if something changes in the background. But I don't want that message to pop up when the the application has a modal dialog in the foreground because the user couldn't do anything about it.

So what I'd like to know is how can I check for the existence of a modal dialog in my application?


  • You could try with this code:

      ActForm: TCustomForm;
      ActForm := Screen.ActiveForm;
      if (ActForm = nil) or not (fsModal in ActForm.FormState) then begin

    I tested with Delphi 4, works for me.

    [EDIT]: But you should really think about whether popping up a form and stealing focus is a good idea. It depends on your application, but if a user is currently entering something into an edit field, or doing something with the mouse, then this might break their workflow.