Search code examples

Mysql select ordinal

Having a table named books which has the following structure:

║ LibraryId  ║  BookId   ║ Price  ║
║ 123        ║ 9001      ║ 10.99  ║
║ 123        ║ 9005      ║ 12.99  ║
║ 123        ║ 9006      ║ 7.99   ║
║ 124        ║ 8012      ║ 6.49   ║
║ 124        ║ 9001      ║ 3.19   ║
║ 124        ║ 9076      ║ 7.39   ║

How could I do a select that would return the full table, but additionally a field named Ordinal, that "counts" the number of books per library. The result should look something like:

║ LibraryId  ║  BookId   ║ Price  ║Ordinal ║
║ 123        ║ 9001      ║ 10.99  ║      1 ║
║ 123        ║ 9005      ║ 12.99  ║      2 ║
║ 123        ║ 9006      ║ 7.99   ║      3 ║
║ 124        ║ 8012      ║ 6.49   ║      1 ║
║ 124        ║ 9001      ║ 3.19   ║      2 ║
║ 124        ║ 9076      ║ 7.39   ║      3 ║

I have tried something like:

SET @var_record = 1;
SELECT *, (@var_record := @var_record + 1) AS Ordinal
FROM books;

But this will continue counting irrespective of the libraryId. I need something that will reset the ordinal every time the libraryId changes. I'd prefer a single query instead of procedures.

Test data sql scripts:

create temporary table books(libraryId int, bookId int, price double(4,2));
insert into books (libraryId, bookId, price) values (123, 9001, 10.99),(123, 9005, 10.99),(123, 9006, 10.99),(124, 8001, 10.99),(124, 9001, 10.99),(124, 9076, 10.99);


  • Using variables and conditions you can reset the counter based on a condition (libraryId has changed). Mandatory to order by the column libraryId.

    SELECT books.*, 
        if( @libId = libraryId, 
            @var_record := @var_record + 1, 
            if(@var_record := 1 and @libId := libraryId, @var_record, @var_record)
        ) AS Ordinal 
    FROM books
    JOIN (SELECT @var_record := 0, @libId := 0) tmp
    ORDER BY libraryId;

    The second if statement is used to group two assignments together and return @var_record.

    if(@var_record := 1 and @libId := libraryId, @var_record, @var_record)