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How to change font size of right axis of Pareto plot in Matlab

I am trying to bold the right side y axis for a Pareto plot in Matlab, but I can not get it to work. Does anyone have any suggestions? When I try to change the second dimension of ax, I get an error: "Index exceeds matrix dimensions.

Error in pcaCluster (line 66) set(ax(2),'Linewidth',2.0);"

xlabel('Principal Component','fontweight','b','fontsize',20)
ylabel('Variance Explained (%)','fontweight','b','fontsize',20)


  • Actually you need to add an output argument during the call to pareto and you will then get 2 handles (the line and the bar series) as well as 2 axes. You want to get the YTickLabel property of the 2nd axes obtained. So I suspect that in your call to pareto above you do not need to supply the ax argument.


    [handlesPareto, axesPareto] = pareto(explained,X);

    Now if you use this command:

    RightYLabels = get(axesPareto(2),'YTickLabel') 

    you get the following (or something similar):

    RightYLabels = 

    What you can do is actually to erase them altogether and replace them with text annotations, which you can customize as you like. See here for a nice demonstration.

    Applied to your problem (with dummy values from the function docs), here is what you can do:

    close all
    y = [90,75,30,60,5,40,40,5];
    [hPareto, axesPareto] = pareto(y);
    %// Get the poisition of YTicks and the YTickLabels of the right y-axis.
    yticks = get(axesPareto(2),'YTick')
    RightYLabels = cellstr(get(axesPareto(2),'YTickLabel'))
    %// You need the xlim, i.e. the x limits of the axes. YTicklabels are displayed at the end of the axis.
    xl = xlim;
    %// Remove current YTickLabels to replace them.
    %// Add new labels, in bold font.
    for k = 1:numel(RightYLabels)    
        BoldLabels(k) = text(xl(2)+.1,yticks(k),RightYLabels(k),'FontWeight','bold','FontSize',18);
    xlabel('Principal Component','fontweight','b','fontsize',20)
    ylabel('Variance Explained (%)','fontweight','b','fontsize',20)

    which gives this:

    enter image description here

    You can of course customize everything you want like this.