I've made a jQuery player for images Demo Link.
It changes the screens with provided intervals and draws touches on it. Now, I want to implement pouse, play functionality.
When I click on play button to stop screen playing, I call FlowPlaye.stop()
FlowPlayer.prototype.stop = function() {
this.isAnimated = false;
return false;
And at the second time FlowPlayer.play()
FlowPlayer.prototype.play = function() {
var fp = this; // Obj refers to the FlowPlayer itself such as "this"
fp.isAnimated = true;
console.log(typeof this.screenIndex)
fp.screenIndex = typeof this.screenIndex == 'number' ? this.screenIndex : 0;
fp.screenIntervalId = setInterval(function() {
if (fp.screenIndex == fp.screens.length - 1) {
console.log("the end of screens");
}, fp.screens[fp.screenIndex].delay)
The problem is that when I do this, the screen playing intervals are messing (try to stop video at 20th second and restore). I need to save state of player, but I don't know how.
I think using 3 different timers is making this unnecessary difficult. If you refactor it into 1 unified timer, pausing (and other playback controls) would be quite easy.
Separate your keyframe events into separate functions:
function setImage(img) {...}
function showTouch(x, y) {...}
function hideTouch() {...}
On startup, convert your screens
array to something like this:
var keyframes = [
{ time:0, func:setImage, args:['http://...']},
{ time:1000, func:showTouch, args:[10, 30]},
{ time:3000, func:hideTouch, args:[]},
Set up a single timer for playback:
var time = 0,
next = 0,
isPaused = false,
function timer() {
if (isPaused) {
var nextKeyframe = keyframes[next];
time += 100;
if (time >= nextKeyframe.time) {
nextKeyframe.func.apply(this, nextKeyframe.args);
next += 1;
if (next === keyframes.length) {
Now, you have an easily controllable playback:
// play / replay - reset time and next, then start the timer
time = 0;
next = 0;
interval = setInterval(timer, 100);
// seek - just set a new time, and find the next keyframe
time = 1500;
for (next = 0; keyframes[next].time < time && next < keyframes.length; next++) {}
// pause - the timer stays on, but won't do anything
isPaused = true;
// stop
Note: The snippets are untested, may have some typos in them. I just wanted to demonstrate the process of making it cleaner / more controllable.