i have a database export that come with some wrong chararacter substitution(like è => e'). So i have to change it back in postgres.
I'm going crazy to make an all in one regex that catch something like this:
cassine' de' pecche' e'
it must become
cassinè de' pecchè è
(de' must not change).
I managet to get it with two pass:
UPDATE mytable SET comun1=UPDATE mytable SET comun1=regexp_replace(column1,'([^dnNn])(e\'')', '\1\2è', 'g');
UPDATE mytable SET comun1=UPDATE mytable SET comun1=regexp_replace(column1,'([^\s])([dnNn])(e\'')', '\1\2è', 'g');
Basically i want to exclude from replace a space followed by d or n and followed by e' (like " de'") and change the e' in all other cases.
I tried (?!\s[nNdD])(e\'')
but it still changes " de'" to " dè"
Does anyone have a solution for this?
select regexp_replace($$cassine' de' pecche' e'$$, $$(\s[^dn]?|\w\w)e'$$, '\1è', 'gi')
cassinè de' pecchè è
(1 row)
^ ^ ^
| | followed by e'
| or 2 word chars
space optionally followed by d or n