I need to customize my table (I don't know why It's called Tablix). On each row I need to make different number of columns.
What I mean. Here is how my table(tablix) looks like now:
Here how It should be:
On first 2 rows here should be 4 columns, in 3-4th rows should be 3 columns. I've tried to merge cells in 3, 4 rows, but in this case I can't change their width irrespective of 1, 2 rows.
How It looks like after merge:
Can't change rows width of columns in 3, 4 rows without changing width of columns 1, 2 rows
I don't know if you're simplifying the example you've given above to ask a more general question, but in the specific case you described, why not create 6 columns?
Then, on rows 1 and 2, you could merge columns 2 and 3 as well as columns 4 and 5. And on rows 3 and 4, merge column 1 with 2, 3 with 4, and 5 with 6.
In theory, you can achieve this with any combination of rows and columns, but it can quickly get very tedious as the combinations add up.