I'm using RestKit, and calling "addFetchRequestBlock", in Swift.
Inside the block... umm, here's the code. easier to see it:
RKObjectManager.sharedManager().addFetchRequestBlock { (url: NSURL!) -> NSFetchRequest! in
let pathMatcher = RKPathMatcher(pattern: partialPath)
var argsDict: [NSObject: AnyObject]
let tokenize = false as Bool
if (pathMatcher.matchesPath(url.relativePath, tokenizeQueryStrings: tokenize, parsedArguments: &argsDict)) {
It doesn't like "argsDict". (scroll code to right) The error reads
'[NSObject : AnyObject]' is not identical to 'NSDictionary'
Which is weird, b/c I thought it was. In any case, I can always switch the type to NSDictionary and save myself some trouble, but I'm wondering if I could do this with a "Dictionary" object, instead of an NSDictionary. For no other reason, than I'm trying to be more "swifty".
OK, found it under the "Autoreleasing Pointers" section in Apple Docs. Basically, types that are pointed to are not bridged.
Types that are pointed to are not bridged. For example, NSString ** comes over to Swift as AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSString?>, not AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<String?>.