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How to set focus to browser window using WatiN

I'm trying open new IE window with WatiN from WPF application. I want to focus on the IE window. When I start project in debug mode it works correctly. But when I start without debugging new browser window not focused. Have any ideas?

Code for opening browser:

using (var browser = new IE(someAddress))


  • I stumbled upon this solution a while back by looking through the methods brought up by Visual Studio's Intellisense for the IE class.

    using (var browser = new IE(someAddress))
        // ... Your other code

    The IE#BringToFront() method essentially sets focus to the window. Another common task is maximizing the window as well:

    using (var browser = new IE(someAddress))
        // using WatiN.Core.Native.Windows.NativeMethods;
        // ... Your other code