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discover services using subtypes in jmdns

I have registered my service with subtype using mdnsreponder(applebonjour) on my linux pc
. And I am trying to browse the service using jmdns (here I have jmdns.jar file) on my Galaxy phone .

I registered the service using the below command

$dns-sd -R SMARTCAM _smartplace._tcp.,**_wcam** local 80  "u=test" 

When I browse with out subtype in the service type list of jmdns I get the proper response . i.e

ServiceInfo[] https = jmdns.list("_smartplace._tcp.local.");

but If I try with the below options , It could not list anything -> response was null ServiceInfo[] https = jmdns.list("_wcam._sub._smartplace._tcp.local.");

$avahi-browse   _wcam._sub._smartplace._tcp.

It worked with the avahi browse ..

Now can some one help me how to browse subtypes with jmdns .


  • This is currently not supported by JmDNS. There is an open bug for this (

    You will need to browse for the main type (no subtypes) and then do the filtering yourself (for example you can add a TXT record with a custom key, and then check that key on each service that is discovered).