I have data like this:
ID=c(rep("ID1",3), rep("ID2",2), "ID3", rep("ID4",2))
sex=c(rep("male",3), rep("female",2), "female", rep("male",2))
df1 <- data.frame(ID,sex,item)
ID sex item
1 ID1 male a
2 ID1 male b
3 ID1 male c
4 ID2 female a
5 ID2 female c
6 ID3 female a
7 ID4 male b
8 ID4 male a
and I would need it as edges like this:
ID sex V1 V2
1 ID1 male a b
2 ID1 male b c
3 ID1 male a c
4 ID2 female a c
5 ID4 male b a
With @akrun's kind help I could get the V1 and V2 columns with this:
lst <- lapply(split(item, DG), function(x) if(length(x) >=2) t(combn(x,2)) else NULL)
nodes=as.data.frame(do.call(rbind,lst[!sapply(lst, is.null)]) )
but how could I also "take along" ID and some other variables (sex, age etc) from the original df and have them as "sex" etc columns in "nodes"?
res <- do.call(rbind,lapply(split(df1, df1$ID), function(x) {
m1 <- if(length(x$item)>=2)
else NULL
data.frame(ID=unique(x$ID), sex=unique(x$sex), m1)}))
row.names(res) <- NULL
# ID sex X1 X2
#1 ID1 male a b
#2 ID1 male a c
#3 ID1 male b c
#4 ID2 female a c
#5 ID4 male b a