I'm having a few issues with displaying a UIImage in an app that I'm developing. The steps I took to do this are as follows:
1 - Add a UIImageView to my main view controller in the storyboard. I did this using the interface builder.
2 - I then created an IBOutlet for the UIImageView in the viewcontroller.h. I ensured proper referencing of the image view from the outlet.
3 - I set the image for the UIImageView like so:
_fireIcon = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"flame_icon.png"]];
This was done within the viewDidLoad method in the viewcontroller.m file.
Let me know if you need any more additional information, or code snippets.
you need not to initialize an imageview as you are using Interface builder for image view
_fireIcon.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"flame_icon.png"]; // or [_fireIcon setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"flame_icon.png"]];
This sets the image. When we drop the UI elements using Interface builder , we need not initialize them, as they are taken care by apple.