How to change the Button content as CamelCasing in Windows phone 8.1 Message dialog?
private async void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
MessageDialog msg = new MessageDialog("Do you want to continue?");
msg.Commands.Add(new UICommand("Ok", (command) => { }));
msg.Commands.Add(new UICommand("Cancel", (command) => { }));
await msg.ShowAsync();
I want to change the ok as Ok and cancel as Cancel.
If you want a custom dialog you need to use a different control. The MessageDialog always lower cases the buttons to match the system style and is not generally customizable.
If you use a ContentDialog you can customize it fairly extensively, and it doesn't try to fix the case of its buttons. You'll probably want to create your own ContentDialog class (there's a template under Add.New Item...) with your desired contents, but here's a quick content-free example:
ContentDialog cd = new ContentDialog();
cd.Title = "My Title";
cd.PrimaryButtonText = "CoNtInUe";
cd.SecondaryButtonText = "sToP";
await cd.ShowAsync();
Also note that the guidelines for message dialogs suggest using clear and specific verbs rather than generic OK/Cancel.