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Using Django User object in Android

I have an Android application, interacting with a Django API, which also hosts a website.

On the Django website, the user logs in with Google+/Facebook/Twitter (using django-social-auth) and all subsequent requests contain a user object, which identifies the user. I assume this is done via cookies.

I want to implement the same functionality in my Android application. The application logs the user in with Google+/Facebook/Twitter, then sends the access token to the API, which logs the user in.

What do I need to pass back to the Android application, and then back to the API with every request in order to have Django recognize the logged in user?


  • I found a solution for this. After logging the user in in Django you return request.session.session_key. You store this in the application and whenever you need to make an authenticated request you pass it back as a POST parameter.

    In Django, you can create a decorator as such to automatically transform this into a User object in the request:

    def extract_user(function):
        def handle_extraction(request, *args, **kwargs):
            # Try to store the request.user if a session id is specified.
            if request.POST.get('SESSION-ID'):
                request.user = get_user_from_request_w_session_id(request)
            # Execute the function.
            return function(request, *args, **kwargs)
        return handle_extraction

    Every function that expects an authenticated user is now annotated like this:

    def my_function(request):

    If you want to use @login_required you can do that as well, just make sure to have the annotation AFTER @extract_user, as such:

    def my_function(request):