I have a listview with an images and data in each item. I want my image (which is a TlistitemImage to look like the below.
I can do this very easily by using Tcircle and using mycircle.fill.bitmap.bitmap, eg code below lcircle.fill.Bitmap.Bitmap.LoadFromFile(TPath.GetDocumentsPath + PathDelim + 'test.png'); however i simply cannot create a circle for each listitem :-(
The other option i have is to use Tlistitemimage - code below:
LImage := TListItemImage.Create(mylistviewitem);
LImage.Name := 'image';
LImage.Align := TListItemAlign.Leading; // En Sað
LImage.VertAlign := TListItemAlign.center; // Orta
LImage.PlaceOffset.Y := 0;
LImage.PlaceOffset.X := 0;
Limage.width := 80;
LImage.Height := 80;
LImage.OwnsBitmap := True;
LImage.Bitmap := TBitmap.Create(0,0);
Limage.Bitmap.LoadFromFile(TPath.GetDocumentsPath + PathDelim + 'test.png');
Now the idea i had was to then create the Tcircle and make the parent of the circle the TListItemImage. That unfortunately does not work :-(
I have also tried doing this with the stylebook, creating a new style called listitemimagestyle and creating a tcircle within that style but that also does nothing.
Can someone please assist me?
Thank you - and yes, i am a noobie so be nice
I'd use TBitmap.CreateFromBitmapAndMask
in order to create your bitmap using a mask. The mask would be a black&white image that contains your circle.