I'm trying to install a live version of an askbot build on my local machine (windows 7)
I have a .tar of the codebase downloaded, but now have no idea how to install it, or even where to install it.
Looking at this http://askbot.org/doc/install.html suggests that I would get a fresh install, would I then be able to import into that?
The developer who made the live version has left the company.
Any help appreciated!
The information you have given is not enough to help you. You seem to imply you already have some form of askbot installed, but not locally? Either way you would need a version of python installed. Hold your windows key and press r, or otherwise open the run dialog from your machine. In the dialog box type 'cmd', without the quotes. A terminal window should pop up. Here type 'python'. If a Python version, Date and someother text appear, followed by '>>>' you have python installed. If not, its a good place to start downloading and installing it, its very straightforward. Go to Python.Org