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Display message on gridPagingToolbar based on restDataStore length

I am new to jsp / servlet and related domains. I am trying to display a message on a gridPagingToolbar based on length of myDataStoreDs.

<j:gridPagingToolbar dataStoreId="myDataStoreDs" gridId="myExampleGrid" exportEnabled="true">
        <jsp:attribute name="startItems">
            myLib.Util.removeNulls([null, "${message}"            
                ,   <j:button type='edit' labelKey="myLabel" handler="myHandler" hidden="true" itemId="myBtn"/>            

The variable "message" should have a String based upon the length of the datastore - such as null for datastore length 0, some custom message otherwise. I should do this check on my html.jsp, and the datastore is being populated by a rest POST through a js.jsp.

Any suggestions on the code to read the datastore length and populate the message? I have used

<c:if test="someRequestAttribute"> 

for other purposes, but not able to get the correct way to implement this one.


  • I figured it out.

    <j:gridPagingToolbar dataStoreId="myDataStoreDs" gridId="myExampleGrid" exportEnabled="true">
            <jsp:attribute name="startItems">
                    ,   {
                        xtype: 'tbtext',
                        itemId: 'toolbarText',                       
                        text: "<j:jsMessage key='diplay text' bundle='bundle.myResourceBundle' />"
                    ,   <j:button type='edit' labelKey="myLabel" handler="myHandler" hidden="true" itemId="myBtn"/>            

    In the js.jsp part, the rest datastore length can be checked.

    var text = pageConfigName.myExampleGrid.down("#toolbarText");    
    if(pageConfigName.myDatastoreDs.getTotalCount() == 0) {                                         
                text.hidden = true;