I am using TeamCity as my CI server(mac).I am trying to build a web project. When I use grunt serve
or grunt buildproduction
after changing directory to the cloned folder,it's working perfectly fine.But when I do this via TeamCity server it is giving an error You need to have Ruby and Compass installed and in your system PATH for this task to work
and gets aborted due to warnings. Ruby and Compass is already installed in the server.Please help me on this.
rm -rf $(pwd)/node_modules/*
rm -rf $(pwd)/bower_components/*
npm cache clear
npm install
npm install bower
npm install grunt-ftp-push --save-dev
bower install
grunt buildproduction
This is the Command Line buildstep which I used in Teamcity..
I would say you probably use a different user or the shell environment is different (interactive vs non-interactive) when you run these commands manually and when it runs through TC it can't find those packages in the environment/PATH