I have the following code that works fine. But the issue is that the call retrieves thousands of contacts (most having only email). I want to download only those contacts that are listed in "Contacts" tab in GMail. I had to set a high "NumberToRetrieve" and then have to filter those with more information other than just email.
Dim cr As New ContactsRequest(settings)
Dim query As New ContactsQuery(ContactsQuery.CreateContactsUri("default"))
query.NumberToRetrieve = 5000
query.OrderBy = ContactsQuery.OrderByLastModified
query.SortOrder = ContactsQuery.SortOrderDescending
Dim f As Feed(Of Contact) = cr.Get(Of Contact)(query)
As usual this Google API is also poorly designed. At least in the .Net wrapper of the API I don't see anything that I can use to retrieve only GMail contacts or add a filter such as "where Address exists". Any inputs?
Based on the feed back, I scrolled through all contacts groups to find the group "Contacts".
Dim groupquery As New GroupsQuery(GroupsQuery.CreateGroupsUri("default"))
Dim fgrp As Feed(Of Group) = cr.Get(Of Group)(groupquery)
Dim GroupAtomId As String = ""
For Each gr In fgrp.Entries
If gr.Title.Contains("Contacts") Then
GroupAtomId = gr.Id
Exit For
End If
then used GroupAtomId, query.Group = GroupAtomId
. Seems to be working ok.
For retrieving all the contacts from Contacts
tab in Gmail
, you have to specify the group value(Group
) in the query as mentioned here and also for retrieving just the contacts in Contacts
tab in Gmail
, the group value would be just Contacts
as shown here
Hope that helps!