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p:chart with DateTime axis

I'm trying to create a line chart using the component <p:chart> of the Primefaces 5.1.

And I need the X axis displays the time. Something like this:

enter image description here

But only against documentation of the old version.

I found several things like:

But in version 5.1 there is no such tag <p:lineChart>, and not even the attribute extender="".

I created my chart based on the showcase:

But this example does not help much, because it is only working with date. And to complicate are as String. I need the hours.

I wonder if someone has already created something similar in the newer versions of Primefaces.


Searching a bit more, I found this topic:

I used the example mentioned it, and I could make it work.

What I could see, when it is a DateAxis is required to set the axis.setMax(). At the end looked like this:

enter image description here

It worked as I needed, but two things I did not understand:

First: The reason to be required to set the axis.setMax().

Second: What is this pattern used in axis.setTickFormat("%H:%#M:%S")?


  • Ok, I think now I found a acceptable solution.

    The initial problem with the chart was axis.setMax().

    And the pattern used in the axis.setTickFormat is:

    Code    Result                  Description
                == Years ==
    %Y      2008                Four-digit year
    %y      08                  Two-digit year
                == Months ==
    %m      09                  Two-digit month
    %#m     9                   One or two-digit month
    %B      September           Full month name
    %b      Sep                 Abbreviated month name
                == Days ==
    %d      05                  Two-digit day of month
    %#d     5                   One or two-digit day of month
    %e      5                   One or two-digit day of month
    %A      Sunday              Full name of the day of the week
    %a      Sun                 Abbreviated name of the day of the week
    %w      0                   Number of the day of the week (0 = Sunday, 6 = Saturday)
    %o      th                  The ordinal suffix string following the day of the month
                == Hours ==
    %H      23                  Hours in 24-hour format (two digits)
    %#H     3                   Hours in 24-hour integer format (one or two digits)
    %I      11                  Hours in 12-hour format (two digits)
    %#I     3                   Hours in 12-hour integer format (one or two digits)
    %p      PM                  AM or PM
                == Minutes ==
    %M      09                  Minutes (two digits)
    %#M     9                   Minutes (one or two digits)
                == Seconds ==
    %S      02                  Seconds (two digits)
    %#S     2                   Seconds (one or two digits)
    %s      1206567625723       Unix timestamp (Seconds past 1970-01-01 00:00:00)
                == Milliseconds ==
    %N      008                 Milliseconds (three digits)
    %#N     8                   Milliseconds (one to three digits)
                == Timezone ==
    %O      360                 difference in minutes between local time and GMT
    %Z      Mountain Standard Time  Name of timezone as reported by browser
    %G      -06:00              Hours and minutes between GMT
                == Shortcuts ==
    %F      2008-03-26          %Y-%m-%d
    %T      05:06:30            %H:%M:%S
    %X      05:06:30            %H:%M:%S
    %x      03/26/08            %m/%d/%y
    %D      03/26/08            %m/%d/%y
    %#c     Wed Mar 26 15:31:00 2008  %a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y
    %v      3-Sep-2008          %e-%b-%Y
    %R      15:31               %H:%M
    %r      3:31:00 PM          %I:%M:%S %p
                == Characters ==
    %n      \n                  Newline
    %t      \t                  Tab
    %%      %                   Percent Symbol

    The model:

    private void createDateModel() {
        dateModel = new LineChartModel();
        LineChartSeries series1 = new LineChartSeries();
        series1.setLabel("Series 1");
        series1.set("2014-01-01 00:10:50", 51);
        series1.set("2014-01-01 00:10:51", 22);
        series1.set("2014-01-01 00:10:52", 65);
        series1.set("2014-01-01 00:10:53", 35);
        DateAxis axis = new DateAxis("Dates");
        axis.setMax("2014-01-01 00:10:56");
        dateModel.getAxes().put(AxisType.X, axis);

    And the chart:

    <p:chart type="line" model="#{controller.dateModel}" />