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Customize Spring @RequestParam Deserialization for Maps and/or Nested Objects

class MyController {
     public void test(Container container) { ... }

Spring by default uses Dot-Notation to deserialize a nested @RequestParam:

class Container {
    A a;

class A {
    String val;

works with:


But for Maps it uses Square Bracket notation:

class Container {
    Map<String, String> a;

works with:


When using JavaScript there's of course no difference between a HashMap and a Nested Object, so everything will get serialized either with Dots or Square-Brackets.


How / where can I tell Spring (or Spring Boot if that's easier) to use Dot-Notation (or Square Brackets) for both, nested objects and Maps?

Or is there any reason why Spring makes a difference between those types?


  • Spring Boot supports the use of dot-separated paths to bind maps thanks to its custom DataBinder subclass, RelaxedDataBinder. The good news is that its also a DataBinder that's used in Spring MVC to perform the request parameter binding. The bad news is that plugging in your own binder isn't straightforward and that it needs to be a WebDataBinder. You can plug one in by declaring your own RequestMappingHandlerAdapter bean named requestMappingHandlerAdapter. For example:

    public RequestMappingHandlerAdapter requestMappingHandlerAdpter() {
        return new RequestMappingHandlerAdapter() {
            protected InitBinderDataBinderFactory createDataBinderFactory(
                    List<InvocableHandlerMethod> binderMethods)
                    throws Exception {
                return new ServletRequestDataBinderFactory(binderMethods, getWebBindingInitializer()) {
                    protected ServletRequestDataBinder createBinderInstance(
                            final Object target, String objectName,
                            NativeWebRequest request) {
                        return new ServletRequestDataBinder(target) {
                            private RelaxedDataBinder relaxedBinder = new RelaxedDataBinder(target);
                            protected void doBind(MutablePropertyValues mpvs) {

    You may well want to refactor this to avoid the use of multiple nested anonymous inner classes, but it hopefully illustrates the general approach.