Hi I can't inject the RestService anywhere in my code. I'm working test driven so I am using Robolectric to test this code. I hope it isn't a problem with AA+Robolectric, I don't have any experience with this. The weird thing is that in my tests I can manually insert the generated RestClient_, but it doesn't get inserted automatically. So I can do this:
RestClient rest = new RestClient_(activity.getApplicationContext());
but the following doesn't work:
RestClient restClient;
I get a NullPointerException on restClient.
I also didn't forget the @EBean tag
public class Player {
RestClient restClient;
private int playerId;
public Player() {
public int getPlayerId() {
return playerId;
public List<Card> getHand() {
return restClient.getHand(playerId);
In the log I can see that Android Annotations has processed everything correctly.
This is my first project with Android Annotations and I can't grasp why the dependency injection doesn't work. No dependency injection removes almost all the benefit of using Android Annotations. Thanks in advance!
Some extra information: I am instantiating my Player object in an Android Annotations-annotated REST Service. A code snippet of the method creating the Player object.
@Get(value = "/players/createAnonymous")
public Player createAnonymousPlayer();
Ok so here is the answer to my question. I hope it can be of use to other people who ask themselves the same as I did. Thanks to WonderCsabo for pointing me in the right direction.
Android Annotations generates the annotated classes at compile time. So Player becomes Player_. When using @Inject, Android Annotations will inject an instance of Player_ in the annotated field. However in my case the RestClient_ will return Player and not Player_ (So the player object without the processed annotations, so without the injected RestClient_).
It's not possible (not that I know of) to make the RestClient return Player_. This will not compile because the Player_ class doesn't exist yet at compile time.
Now I also understand the drawback that Android Annotations has. You can't easily test the code because you can't use android annotations in your tests. You can't swap the testclass with the generated class anywhere. You can't mock the injected classes either without using a runtime mock generator as PowerMock. So if you need dependency injection and easy testing, you should look elsewhere. (Dagger for example)