I want to display multiple musical artists based on the genre in a view. So, first of all I have my menu tabs:
<a data-name="hiphop" class="genre">HipHop</a>
<a data-name="rock" class="genre">Rock</a>
<a data-name="alternative" class="genre">Alternative</a>
<a data-name="jazz" class="genre">Jazz</a>
then my genre.js contains:
Genres.Collection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
url: function() {
return 'path to my json';
parse: function(response, genre){
return response.data.genres[genre];
// when I do: return response.data.genres.rock;
// I get all artists from the genre "rock".
// but I want the response to be based on the variable "genre"
then, in my mainView.js:
events: {
'click .genre' : 'genre'
genre: function(event, genre){
// get the clicked genre
var genreName = $(event.target).data('name');
var genresCollection = new Genres.Collection({genre:genreName });
this.insertView('.genres', new Genres.View({collection: genresCollection}));
but no matter which genre I click, I get an empty Collection. can someone tlel me what I'm doing wrong here?
Many thanks!
Options are not stored by default, but you can override your initialize
method to provide this functionality. You would then use this stored value in your parse
method :
Genres.Collection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
url: function() {
return 'path to my json';
initialize: function(opts) {
opts = opts || {};
this.genre = opts.genre || 'rock';
parse: function(response){
return response.data.genres[this.genre];