I'm downloading one page from reddit and saving it locally:
The HTML is identical in my test.html file, but when I open the local file in a browser, the page display is all messed up. Right Nav disappears, etc.
Normally I'd assume this is a CSS issue (and it definitely could be) but there are only three CSS files in the document, and they are all hosted remotely on www.redditstatic.com -- so they should still be working, right?
Is there something else I'm missing? Is redditstatic somehow smart enough to not serve CSS when I request it from my local machine?
What else could be causing the display issues? How should I troubleshoot?
Reddit uses external CSS, JavaScript, etc. to make it look as feel as it is. The website won't function correctly unless you download them all, even locally because the HTML doesn't know where to find the called file.