I have to create a mailing list of people belonging to a certain institution. The information is only available in .xlsx file. The columns of xlsx are as follows: institution, DOB, Program, ..., EmailID. How do I do this, instead of reading each entry myself and then typing the email into Google contacts?
I know I am asking a lot, especially since I have no idea how to operate Google sheets; like I am not sure if there is a way in Google sheets to do that. All I need are some directions.
You can read/write .xlsx files using openpyxl. Here is the link to the documentation.
You can read from the .xlsx as follows:
from openpyxl import load_workbook
wb2 = load_workbook('email_contacts.xlsx')
print wb2.get_sheet_names()
To add the details into Google Contacts you can use the Google Contacts API. Just read the official documentation on how to use the API.