I’m new to web development … just dipping my toes in
Is there a way to get custom RSS feeds with Ghost?
I have a list of my family members on mailchimp and I’d like to send them a weekly summary of what happened on my blog this week.
Rather than firing off a mail every time I post something, I’d like to send them a weekly or fortnightly email.
I don’t know if that is a Ghost question or a Mailchimp question.
I’m running 0.5.8 on CentOS on a Linode at http://mjbraganza.com
Would appreciate any input.
@mikedidthis helped me out with this one.
Mailchimp already has a way of doing all the heavy lifting.
Seems so: blog.mailchimp.com/rss-to-email-tutorial – mikedidthis Feb 6 at 13:22