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Shouldn't isdigit() be faster in c++?

I am using isdigit() function in c++, but i found it's slow, so i implemented my own is_digit(), see my code below:

using namespace std;
static inline bool is_digit(char c)
    return c>='0'&&c<='9';
int main()
    char c='8';
    time_t t1=clock(),t2,t3;
    for(int i=0;i<1e9;i++)
    for(int i=0;i<1e9;i++)

    return 0;

After running, is_digit() took only 1 second(1161ms), but isdigit() took 4 seconds(3674ms), I know that isdigit is implemented by bit operation, Shouldn't isdigit() be faster than is_digit()?


I use MS VS2010 with default option, release version, how do i do to make isdigit() faster than is_digit() in VS?


Thanks to all of you. When in release mode in VS, project will be optimized for speed default(-O2).

All in release mode.

VS2010: is_digit:1182(ms) isdigit:3724(ms)

VS2013: is_digit:0(ms) isdigit:3806(ms)

Codeblocks with g++(4.7.1) with -O3: is_digit:1275(ms) isdigit:1331(ms)

So here is the conclusion:

is_digit() is faster than isdigit() in VS but slower than isdigit() in g++.

And isdigit() in g++ is faster than isdigit() in VS.

So "VS sucks" in performance?


  • Have a look on this code (works with g++) with -O3

    #include <time.h>
    #include <sys/time.h>
    using namespace std;
    static inline bool is_digit(char c)
        return c>='0'&&c<='9';
    int main()
        char c='8';
        struct timeval tvSt, tvEn;
        time_t t1=clock(),t2,t3;
        gettimeofday(&tvSt, 0);
        for(int i=0;i<1e9;i++)
        gettimeofday(&tvEn, 0);
        cout << "is_digit:" << (tvEn.tv_sec - tvSt.tv_sec)*1000000 + (tvEn.tv_usec - tvSt.tv_usec) << " us"<< endl;
        gettimeofday(&tvSt, 0);
        for(int i=0;i<1e9;i++)
        gettimeofday(&tvEn, 0);
        cout << "isdigit:" << (tvEn.tv_sec - tvSt.tv_sec)*1000000 + (tvEn.tv_usec - tvSt.tv_usec) << " us"<< endl;
        return 0;


    is_digit:1610771 us
    isdigit:1055976 us

    So, C++ implementation beats yours.
    Normally, when you measure performance, it's not a good idea to do it with seconds. At lease consider microseconds level.

    I'm not sure about VS. Please find out microsecond level clock and measure.

    PS. Please refer for VS optimizations